How to create a Landingpage

Step-by-Step Instructions to create Landingpages for Facebook, Instagram or Email campaign to your customers.

We'll create a dedicated landingpage like this example - don't worry, it's not that hard. 😊 Of course the guide assumes that you have already completed a basic setup of Claw Crane and it is set to "enabled".

Step 1: Create a Page or Blogpost in Shopify

Step 2: Copy the template for the landingpage

Copy the code from the blue box below (you can use the "copy" button in the top-right of the box).

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
            <div class="sal-landing-card">
              <div class="sal-landing-header">
                  <img src="">
              <div class="sal-landing-content">

                  Win cookies!

                Hey, want to win some cookies?! Due our anniversary week we're giving away free cookies to the brave and lucky.
                <div class="sal-landing-button-wrapper">
                    <div class="sal-landing-button claw-animation-shake claw-link-start-interaction"
                    style="background-color: #FF084E; color: #FFFFFF;">

                        I'm feeling lucky



Step 3: Switch the Shopify editor to "HTML View"

Step 4: Paste the code & change the text

Now just paste the template code from before. You'll maybe also want to adjust some of the text like I'm feeling lucky , Win cookies! orHey, want to win some cookies?!.

After that hit "Save" and you're done. Whoohoo! 😁🎉 Click on View on your online store to see your new landingpage.

Does your layout break after editing the text?

This is due to the Shopify editor removeing some of the template code from above.

  • Switch back to HTML code.

  • Paste the following code at the very top.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

Step 5: Disable Greeter Icon (optional)

Since now you have a dedicated landingpage, you might not want to have the Greeter icon all around your store. You might want to disable it entirely or restrict it to specific pages.

Last updated