
What are Starter-Buttons? - When are they useful?

They allow to start the game without using the Giftbox-Icon.

You can declare ANY element a Starter-Button on a Shopify Page or Blogpost of your store. When a customer clicks on that element (e.g. a button) the game is kicked off.

This is useful for Dedicated Landingpages when you e.g. run a Facebook Campaign.

How to place a Starter-Button on a Landingpage?

Step 1: Create a page or Blogpost

Step 2: Switch to Code-View

Any element decorated with the class claw-link-start-interaction will work. See the example below, where a link is decoreted as a starterbutton.

<a class="claw-link-start-interaction">I'm feeling lucky</a>

Make the link shake (claw-animation-shake):

<a class="claw-animation-shake claw-link-start-interaction">I'm feeling lucky</a>

Make the link shoot confetti (claw-animation-confetti):

<a class="claw-animation-confetti claw-link-start-interaction">I'm feeling lucky</a>

Last updated